Here rest the souls of those crushed in the pursuit of power.
My father, the God of Heavens. How appropriate that I, the God of the Underworld should kill him. Well like they say, "Like father, like son"...
The former Lord of the underworld. Sorry, but when you stand in the way of progress, you always lose. Too bad the lesson came too late, I kinda liked uncle Pluto...
What a bitch. I killed her on impulse. She just wouldn't shut up...
Poor, Poor Decadus. My late wife learned how bored I had become with her infidelity as her light faded for the last time. I must say how much I enjoyed her end, I really must...
Labokt Sioro
What a sorry excuse for a god. This abomination was practically begging for oblivion! So what else could I do but deliver him to the void. I blame only myself for not killing him at birth...
Jerek Duarte'
This thing called Jerek is a necromancer that challenged me once. What a silly bird-man. Yes, I did say bird-man. I don't know what else to say but what a waste his power was...
Larz Al'Borak
This fool doesn't actually reside here. I have destroyed him and brought him back so many times, he has earned an honorary place here. And besides, he amuses me to no end with his clownish antics...
The Purging
Once I decided that there was no further use for the old gods, I laid waste to them. I gave them each a choice, serve me or perish. The foolish ones chose life...